On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Peter Pearse <peter.pearse@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi list

As part of https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-linaro-n-eclipse-cdt

I want to import some extant, known good C and/or C++ eclipse projects
into the Natty CDT for testing.

Can anyone point me at any?
I don't know much about eclipse, and have never used cdt, but I found a few things that might be worth checking out:

This one is linked to from the the page you reference above and seems to be about setting up mysql to build under cdt

Nothing elaborate here, just some examples with ffmpeg.  But they are supposed to build under Linux, and the author said they were done in cdt.  It may be worth searching more on places like sourceforge for things like this.

You mention testing with other plugins.  Not sure how mature this one is, but it sounds like one that would be interesting to test with cdt. :)

-Paul Larson