Hi all,


I have just created a page on the Tianocore wikipage to explain the steps to build EDK2 for the Samsung Origen low cost development board:



These instructions are based on the Samsung Origen EDK2 support written by Girish K S (Samsung / Linaro) and target the Linaro Linux ‘distribution’ (Linux kernel + file system provided by Linaro).


Please find the attached patches to fix the current head of the Samsung Origen EDK2 port (ed456b2d64f3 (22/11/2011)).


Limitation and status of this port:

-          EDK2 must make the transition from Secure to Non-Secure world to setup the Timer IRQ – something is locking the GIC distributor that prevents to enable the Timer IRQ in Secure world. I have not investigated this issue.

-          Cannot start the Linaro’s kernel – I have not investigated this issue yet.

-          Display support (not tested).

-          Can start a EFI Shell or an EFI application.


Kind Regards,
