Hi Karim,
The CSAL library contains a number of readme files that should guide you in setting up your system for use with the library, plus a number of example applications. Start with the main README.md file in the root project directory.
Run doxygen on the doxygen-config.txt file to build the library documentation - this will include all the readme files mentioned below.
CSAL uses memory mapped IO to access the CoreSight components in linux, see readme_demos.md for further information. This file also contains instructions for setting up the library for specific platforms and running under linux.
The first task is to create a registration function for your platform - look at the cs_demo_known_boards.c file. From there you should be able build the example programs. Csls is useful to use first as it will simply list the CoreSight components - which will verify if you have configured your system and the library correctly.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karim Lamouchi [mailto:
> Sent: 07 May 2017 11:27
> To: Mike Leach
> Subject: Fr : CSAL library
> Hello Mike,
> I'm trying to test CSAL library(coresight access library) under linux in
> order to access and configure the arm coresight IP block within a new platform
> based on 2 core A7 and 1 cortex M4.
> In fact I want to extract the generated traces (without using an external
> hardware) in order to decode them in the next step using the opencsd library .
> Could you please give me more details about how to use the CSAL
> library and the differents steps that allow me to support it with the new
> platform ?
> Is it possible to use this library without DS5?
> It is helpful to send me if you have any documents about this library.
> best regards,
> Karim.
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