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Dear Purchasing,

Good day!

We are independent distributor for electronic components and worked in the area more than 12years.

Our strong line: AD, TI, Maxim, Microchip,ST, Samsung, Murata, Yageo,etc.

These days many customers ask MCU stock, like ST, Microchip etc, do you also need?

Or you may recommend to your customers?

The below are our ST & Microchip price for your reference:

STM32L053R8T6TR ST 2016+ 3.62usd

STM32H735IGK6 ST 2021+ 248usd

STP16CP05XTTR ST 2017+ 57.15usd

STMPS2151STR ST 2021+ 3.94usd

STM32F427ZGT6 ST 2021+ 27.54usd

PIC16F1939-I/PT MICROCHIP 2020+ 23.3usd

PIC24FJ64GA004-I/PT MICROCHIP 2013+ 31.5usd

PIC18LF4525-I/PT MICROCHIP 2021+ 88.53usd

PIC24FJ128GA006-I/PT MICROCHIP 2015+ 16.73usd

PIC24FJ256GA106-I/PT MICROCHIP 2021+ 11.81usd

We can support you 365days warranty for every part.

Welcome your inquiry.

Joy He

HardFind Electronics Ltd.

1507, Building 1, Vanke Red Cube Building, No. 89 Jinlong Road, Buji Street,,

LongGang Dis,Shenzhen,CN,518000


Tel.: 86-755-84188103

e-mail.: Joy@hardfindelectronics.com

Internet.: https://www.hardfindcomponents.com/p/95679.html