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Ave you, dear, I will go. Denham. Yes--for God's sake, go! (_She moves towards the door._) But, Blanche, don't leave the house. I can't bear this alone. Mrs. Tremaine. (_returns to him_) You know, dear, I am yours always. Oh, don't hate me! I dare to say it in this presence. (_She kisses his hand. He shrinks from her._) Now I can go. (_She goes to the door and looks back as Denham kneels and clasps the body in his arms._) Will he hate me now? (_Exit Mrs. Tremaine._) Denham. Constance! I meant to have kept you from all the thorns of life! It was fate! It was fate! CURTAIN. * * * * * Printed by Hazell, Watson, and Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. =THE INDEPENDENT THEATRE SERIES OF PLAYS.= EDITED BY J.T. GREIN. _Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. net._ * * * * * The undermentioned are now ready:-- I. =WIDOWERS' HOUSES=. By GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, with a Preface by the Author, an Address to Dramatic Critics, and an Appendix treating of the discussion raised by the performance. II. =ALAN'S WIFE=. Anonymous. With a Preface by WILLIAM ARCHER. III. =THE HEIRS OF RABOURDIN=. By EMILE ZOLA. Translated by A. TEIXEIRA DE MATTOS. With a Preface by the Author. IV. =THE BLACK CAT=. By Dr. TODHUNTER. With an Introduction by the Author. * * * * * =DRAMA.= I. =THE GARDEN OF CITRONS=. By EMILIO MONTANARO. Translated by J.T. GREIN. With a Preface by JOHN GRAY. Paper Covers, 1s. net. II. =TWO PLAYS=. By MEYRICK MILTON. With a Preface by the Author. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. net. =ASK TO SEE A SPECIMEN COPY.= _NOW PUBLISHING._ THE NEW ART SERIAL. The Most Exhaustive Work ever Published. THE HISTORY OF MODERN PAINTING _OVER 2,300 PAGES AND 1,300 ILLUSTRATIONS._ Describes and Illustrates the Art of =ENGLAND=, =NORWAY & SWEDEN=, =HOLLAND=, =JAPAN=, =FRANCE=, =SCOTLAND=, =RUSSIA=, =BELGIUM=, =SPAIN=, =GERMANY=, =AMERICA=, =ITALY=, Etc. In 36 Monthly Parts, 1s. net, or 16 Monthly Parts Half-a-Crown net. Also in 3 Volumes, cloth gilt, Imperial 8vo, L2 15s. net, and Half Morocco, Library Edition, L3 15s. net. =WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED PROSPECTUS.= _NOW READY._ NEW NOVEL BY JOHN OLIVER HOBBES. =THE GODS, SOME MORTALS AND LORD WICKENHAM=. _By the Author of "Some Emotions and a Moral," "The Sinners' Comedy," etc._ IN ONE VOL., 6s. * * * * * BY JOCELYN QUILP. =BARON VERDIGRIS:= =A ROMANCE OF THE REVERSED DIRECTION.= WITH A FRONTISPIECE BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY. _Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d._ * * * * * By ANTHONY DEANE. =HOLIDAY RHYMES=. From "Punch," "Pall Mall," "St. James's," and "Westminster Gazettes," etc. _Crown