The gitweb (depend apache2) and lava is installed on same host.
But the 80 port is used by lava, so gitweb cannot be visited with browser.
So i want to change the lava‘s port to another one, such as 8088, but after changed the file:
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/lava-server.conf, lava can not works.
Does anyone know how to make lava-server use another port ?
Btw, i can not find out the "DocumentRoot" of lava-server . The config file is defined the "DocumentRoot" is "/usr/share/lava-server/static/lava-server/", but i can not see the default index.html. ( Only see the templates file in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lava_server/templates/index.html )
Could someone tell me where is the lava-server's default index page ?