Hi Jonathan,

In that version of LAVA server, the x-axis field is looking in the old legacy data related to V1. There's a patch which fixes that: https://git.linaro.org/lava/lava-server.git/commit/?id=0f2d8a4ff4cf0fb18dbb73578c613cb62d2891df

However, it's only been released in 2017.04 and later builds.


On 11/03/2017 10:00 AM, Jonathan Guyot wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am working with both Jenkins and lava and I thought it was possible to change X attributes in charts to use Jenkins build number instead of a date.

In my job, I defined a metadata like this :

job_name: quad-ssh-host
device_type: ssh
metadata: {jenkins-build: 725, job-context: nightly}
    minutes: 10
    minutes: 3
    seconds: 20
visibility: public

and I made a query that can select these jobs using job-context as a filter.

Then, in the chart, I wanted to use the jenkins-build value to group job instead of a simple date, but the chart does not seem to be able to do that.

I made many tries on the lava 2017.2 version. I wonder whether I am misusing lava charts or if it is an issue that need a fix.

Thanks in advance for any reply.


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Stevan Radaković | LAVA Engineer
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