[...] In this simple mode,wheather the worker(logic unit)must only have one?
   [] I don't understand the question. Do you speak about workers or about DUT (device under test)

According to what I understand, the master can connect multiple slave and  each slave can be runn on a different computer.  But In single master mode ,whether it contains only one Slave unit(or running only one slave  thread of excute) on a single computer.

At 2018-08-07 19:48:31, "Remi Duraffort" <remi.duraffort@linaro.org> wrote:

I guess you are speaking about this part of the documentation: https://staging.validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/first-installation.html#single-master-instance-installation

In this case, all components are on the same server. So lava-server *and* lava-dispatcher are installed on the same server.

[...] In this simple mode,wheather the worker(logic unit)must only have one?
I don't understand the question. Do you speak about workers or about DUT (device under test).


Remi Duraffort