Would it make sense to post both messages to the linux arm kernel mailing list? Maybe the first time and invite interested people to join our linaro-acpi list
Test report for leg-20141215.0 (Revision: d37eefeb160cc9cc1db997031793723e317be7b7)
This test Image comes from https://ci.linaro.org/job/linux-leg-fuwei
The CI job Link: https://ci.linaro.org/job/linux-leg-fuwei/37/
Notes : All the tests ran on FVP base model in LAVA server : http://validation.linaro.org/
The startup.nsh boot test Link :https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/222779
The ACPI test Link : https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/222781
The results.log file Link : https://validation.linaro.org/dashboard/attachment/1267957/view
The grub-install test Link : https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/222780
All the tests are successful. Congratulations!
On 12/15/2014 11:51 PM, Graeme Gregory wrote:
> The leg-kernel release has been made and tagged as leg-201401215.0
> This is based on mainline kernel v3.18
> Repository : http://git.linaro.org/leg/acpi/leg-kernel.git
> Direct Link: https://git.linaro.org/leg/acpi/leg-kernel.git/commit/d37eefeb160cc9cc1db997031793723e317be7b7
> Notes :-
> 1) This release merges Seattle support from Redhat/AMD!
> https://git.linaro.org/leg/acpi/acpi.git/shortlog/refs/heads/acpi-topic-seattle
> 2) This release merges the Mustang support from Redhat/APM
> https://git.linaro.org/leg/acpi/acpi.git/shortlog/refs/heads/acpi-topic-mustang
> 3) This release disables STRICT_DEVMEM in distribution.conf, this is needed to work on FWTS for the short term and should not be considered a production change.
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Best regards,
Fu Wei
Software Engineer From Red Hat
LEG Team
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
Ph: +86 186 2020 4684 (mobile)
IRC: fuwei
Skype: tekkamanninja
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