Hi Al,

>Where does it "stall"?  What's the last message you see?  And if you're not

>using earlycon, please do so; that will help determine how far the boot is

If I boot it with acpi=force, no output. Does my usage below look correct?

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x1c021000 acpi=force console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=7"

>How were those checked?

In setup_arch() I was calling disable_acpi() right after the acpi_boot_table_init() call
as that makes the system get to the prompt.

I am about to build the kernel with your .config and test it on one of Mustangs
in the Linaro Austin lab. The Boot firmware version is 1.1.0-rh-0.15.
