Here's a proposal for the 12.02 release watch schedule. The monthly Linaro release is always announced on the third Thursday each month, and we are required to keep an all-time-zone support around this date.
The job is to monitor mail and the #linaro-android IRC channel and respond to questions regarding the release. The nine asignees may contact the board responsible or any known expert on a particular subject in the team if necessary, subject to judgment considering the time zone of the person in question. When the shift is over you chat with the next guy and transfer information if you have any.
Here's a proposal, please respond asap if you can't make your slot. It is appreciated if you can negotiate a switch with someone else first. The last one is the most difficult one to fill so feel free to complain:)
=== Android Team ===
||<rowbgcolor="#aaeeaa"> '''Date'''|| '''00:00 - 08:06 UTC''' || '''08:00 - 16:06 UTC''' || '''16:00 - 00:06 UTC''' ||
|| Friday Jan. 24 || botao_sun || Annamalai123 || mansson ||
|| Monday Jan. 27 || kejun-zhou || pundiramit || bero ||
|| Tuesday Jan. 28 || jackh || patrikryd || pabhishek ||
I will post the final schedule tomorrow Thursday at 1400 UTC.