I recently got
to verify current state of affairs with repo handling of SHA revisions
for commits which have underlying tags. The blueprints contains full
details, let me in this report mail cover just we most important bits.
1. We have been having problem with repositories used in Android
releases being rebased later for a long time.
2. Trying to resolve that, we established policy that any revision used
in a release must be tagged, to make sure that exact revision stays
across rebases.
3. That didn't really work well with "repo" tool from ~1.5yr ago,
because it did not fetch tags by default, so rebased revisions were
still unreachable.
4. We did our patching to repo and submitted it to Google, which then
was lost in great kernel.org demise of 2011, and later they rejected it
telling they'd do it in different way.
5. Fast forward to modern time, I verified that repo v1.12.2 works as
expected wrt to fetching commits by SHA revs, if they have underlying
tag, so we're covered for policy of p.2.
6. However, few repos were found to still be rebased without tagging
release revisions. To address that, following options are proposed:
a) Disallow to use SHA revs in release manifests. Granted, that would
make more effort to do a release then just get pinned manifest of some
build, but may improve release process by prompting to ensure that
releases are made from Android Team managed mirrors of repositories,
and that all such repositories are tagged in consistent manner (which
how upstream does it).
b) Verify that each SHA has underlying tag. A bit more challenging
technically (i.e. possibility for unexpected behavior), and misses the
chance to move release process to a new level, but should be still
Note that both choices preserve ability to rebase repositories, which
is considered an important developers' right ;-).
Best Regards,
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