that looks really interesting, I wonder what happens if we just dump the smaller files into a Nexus 7 build to see if they're complete...
I don't see anything obvious in any of the logs/objdump bits.
Are both -userdebug builds? -user will probably be smaller than -userdebug and -eng because some debug messages can be omitted...


On 2 November 2015 at 03:52, YongQin Liu <yongqin.liu@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi, Bero

Any idea why the size of the binaries compiled from the same source files are different between the flounder version and the flo version?

10:29:01 liuyq: marshmallow$ ll out/target/product/{flo,flounder}/system/bin/libstagefright_mp3dec_test 
-rwxrwxr-x 1 liuyq liuyq 231360 Nov  2 10:29 out/target/product/flo/system/bin/libstagefright_mp3dec_test*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 liuyq liuyq 124684 Nov  2 10:28 out/target/product/flounder/system/bin/libstagefright_mp3dec_test*
10:29:39 liuyq: marshmallow$ 

The binaries are 32bit static linked version compiled with the attached Android.mk

And the size of libc.so files  are different as well.
10:37:13 liuyq: marshmallow$ ll out/target/product/{flo,flounder}/system/lib/libc.so  -h
-rwxrwxr-x 1 liuyq liuyq 659K Oct 29 15:34 out/target/product/flo/system/lib/libc.so*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 liuyq liuyq 540K Oct 19 18:32 out/target/product/flounder/system/lib/libc.so*
10:37:21 liuyq: marshmallow$

Some features are not compiled into the libc.so  on the flounder platform?

Best Regards,
Yongqin Liu
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