    Calendar Week 37: Here is test result summary for Linaro Android platform on following boards:

1) ARM Versatile Express A9
2) ST-Ericsson Snowball Board
3) TI Panda Board 4430
4) TI Panda Board 4460
5)  Samsung Origen Board

Synopsis: Enabling Ethernet through ECM UI freezes Panda 4430 & 4460. Ethernet is automatically configured and adb-usb is working fine on snowball board. Samsung Origen Jelly Bean test target switched from stable branch to tracking branch.

Detail Report for all the boards:

1.  ARM Versatile Express A9 - Android (Column G)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadExQdHNxTnR5SFZCQzJnN1ZtQ2ZhWkE#gid=5

No Major difference compared to the last 2 week testing. Features such as  Suspend-resume and youtube etc. are still not working as expected. 

2) ST-Ericsson Snowball Board - Android(Column G)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadEF1NXVhT3dQWnZsTHBydnpiWVB4Umc#gid=5

Things look the same after 12.08 release. Ethernet is automatically configured and adb-usb is working fine. Other features are all the same from last few week testing. 

3) TI Panda Board 4430 - Android(Column V)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadGVWd3pZazdaRUU0MnRnWmgwbVhTR0E#gid=17 

 Panda tracking-blob build has Ethernet issues with this week testing. Since WiFi and Ethernet both not working on panda there were few blocking test cases.   

4) TI Panda Board 4460(Column M)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadGVWd3pZazdaRUU0MnRnWmgwbVhTR0E#gid=18

 Test results same as 4430. 

5)  Samsung Origen Board(Column G)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadDRDVl9TSHUweUk3eG9ndk9sNGxUVnc#gid=5

In this week, Samsung Origen Jelly Bean test target switched from stable branch to tracking branch. For people who want know the last week test result on stable branch, please refer to this link (Column G):

Note - For the previous week (Calendar week 36) summary, please refer to attachment.

Amit khare <amit.khare@linaro.org>
QA Services - Linaro Platform