Hi Abhishek,

OK, no problem.

Here is the result:

1. System boot up: OK (1st: around 5 minutes).

2. Serial Console Output: OK.

3. Busybox: OK.

4. Enter Main Screen (APPS Tab): OK.

5. Calculator App: OK.

6. 0xBenchmark: OK. (Except thet "Native" test suite)

7. Browser: OK.

8. Gator: The gator.ko has been inserted to the kernel successfully, but the gatord process is not in the ps output.

That's it.


Botao Sun

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Abhishek Paliwal <abhishek.paliwal@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi Botao,

Can you smoke test 

As I don't have a LCD display for Origen board( andHDMI display is not working)
