Cool, thanks for the information. We'll try those builds to ensure we are using your latest code.


On 5/10/2013 12:29 AM, Amit Pundir wrote:

On 10 May 2013 05:44, Clint Talbert <> wrote:

We saw some builds on your site that were for 2.3.5 and 2.3.7 on pandaboards. However, upon downloading the 2.3.7 builds we could not get them to boot on the pandaboard. We managed to get 2.3.5 to boot, but noticed some flakiness with it.

Is 2.3.x on a pandaboard a configuration that you're still working on supporting? Should the 2.3.7 builds have worked? What is the latest 2.3.7 build that you tested? Perhaps we grabbed a bad one; however, I don't currently have the URL to the build we grabbed.

No we are not working on 2.3.x releases anymore (or 4.0.x or 4.1.x if it matters). Release builds corresponding to 2.3.x should have booted fine. We used to maintain a spreadsheet for Pandaboard results Going by this spreadsheet, it looks like you are looking for 11.11 Release Candidate or later, which you can get from here

Amit Pundir

Thanks for any information you have.

Clint Talbert
IRC: ctalbert
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