To make things even a bit more messy there is the case when someone wants to use the internal flash on the Snowball (http://review.android.git.linaro.org/1461).
I vote for system/core/rootdir/init.rc and using sed, but it must documented and easy to find so companies that makes products and want to use the internal flash easily can find the place to modify.
2012/2/7 Bernhard Rosenkränzer
just noticed an even bigger init.rc mess than I thought existed when
looking into why gatord wasn't launched on some boards.
Right now, we have
The files are pretty much all the same. IMO we should really use a
common init.rc for every board (local stuff like loading board
specific modules can be done in the init.BOARDNAME.rc additions) -
only that way, stuff we fix there (e.g. support for USB devices that
will work everywhere) is fixed across all boards.
The differences between the various board specific init.rcs is the
partition layout (snowball boots from mmcblk1p* instead of mmcblk0p*,
origen has another boot partition causing the partition numbers to be
off by 1). That's easily unifyable with sed in Android.mk; I've
actually fixed that in Gingerbread, but apparently it was lost in the
transition to ICS.
I'll put that back.
The open question is whether we should use
device/linaro/common/init.rc or system/core/rootdir/init.rc for every
(Fortunately the files are nearly identical, so either way we won't
have much work).
The argument for using the former is that it's directly under our
control so AOSP won't break it.
The argument for using the latter is that if AOSP updates it to enable
cool new stuff, we'll automatically get it when we pull in the update
- and that it's closer to upstream.
I vote for the latter, but this is probably not a decision I should
just make by myself. Other opinions?
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