staging-snowball 4.0.3 build fails to boot.
linaro_android_4.0.3 branch device/linaro/snowball doesn't seem to be at linaro_android_4.0.1 . Running one more build now with the branch being updated to the tip.

2011/12/19 Bernhard Rosenkränzer <>
2011/12/19 Bernhard Rosenkränzer <>:
> So whatever calls ProcessFlipV2() disagrees with the kernel on just
> what a dsscomp_setup_dispc_data structure should contain.

Just checked, the problem is that the kernel's idea of a dss2_ovl_info
struct is different from bionic's.
Very different, even.

The problem is the rather stupid idea of including a set of kernel
headers (external/kernel-headers/original/) inside AOSP instead of
getting the kernel headers from the kernel, where they ought to be.
I think the best way to fix it is to put the correct kernel headers in
place and add an invocation of bionic/libc/kernel/tools/
to the build process.

Will check if that's doable without too much effort.
