Hi, Linas

Maybe you can try following commands:

netcfg eth0 dhcp                 #get your eth network up
ifconfig eth0                       #get your board IP 
echo 0>/sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable  #enable adb via IP
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555                      #set the adb connection port
stop adbd                                                       # restart adbd
start adbd

If the above commands work for you, please let me know.
I will update the wiki then.

Yongqin Liu

On 23 April 2012 19:06, Linas Chang <shchang@marvell.com> wrote:

Dear linaro-support team


Currently , I used linaro-android_snowball-ics-gcc46-igloo-stable-blob-12.03-release at your snowboard


I face a question , that is


When I used adb , follow below command form your web-site


  • ADB only works over IP
    In the console type:

·           stop adbd

·           setprop service.adb.tcp.port 6565

·           start adbd

·           ifconfig eth0 # to get boardsIP


after my host connect to device

, I try to used adb push –s <device IP>:6565 <my txt file> /data or adb –s <device ip>:6565 shell form host

Both fail ,and I didn’t see any error meaage , it look like hang after I type above adb command


Do you have any suggestion about this


Thanks for your help






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