Hi Yongqin,
Thanks for your reply, I have try your suggestion add it in .repo/manifest.xml, but it failed, could you give an help?
~/code/Hikey/android$ tail .repo/manifest.xml
<project path="tools/repohooks" name="platform/tools/
repohooks" groups="adt-infra,cts,eclipse, motodev,pdk,tools,tradefed" /> <project path="tools/studio/cloud" name="platform/tools/studio/
cloud" groups="notdefault,tools" /> <project path="tools/swt" name="platform/tools/swt" groups="notdefault,tools" />
<project path="tools/test/connectivity" name="platform/tools/test/
connectivity" groups="pdk" /> <project path="tools/tradefederation/
core" name="platform/tools/ tradefederation" groups="pdk,tradefed" /> <project path="tools/tradefederation/
contrib" name="platform/tools/ tradefederation/contrib" groups="pdk,tradefed" /> <project path="external/linux-tools-
perf" name="platform/external/linux- tools-perf" revision="refs/tags/android-6. 0.1_r55"/> <repo-hooks in-project="platform/tools/
repohooks" enabled-list="pre-upload" />
~/code/Hikey/android$ repo sync external/linux-tools-perf
remote: Finding sources: 100% (54/54)
remote: Total 54 (delta 17), reused 53 (delta 17)
From https://android.googlesource.
com/platform/manifest * [new branch] emu-2.5-release -> origin/emu-2.5-release
d2a2c08..31babfb master -> origin/master
1918d9a..e0436e3 master-art -> origin/master-art
1a7ee53..60f15af master-plus-llvm -> origin/master-plus-llvm
0a89fb3..376739e nougat-cts-release -> origin/nougat-cts-release
d771dd1..ba90b32 nougat-mr1-cts-release -> origin/nougat-mr1-cts-release
792b9cd..3fdc21e tradefed -> origin/tradefed
error: .repo/manifests/: contains uncommitted changes
And under the linaro linux kernel tree, find perf code exist: kernel/tools/perf
Do you know how to build a perf for android platform?
From: Yongqin Liu [mailto:yongqin.liu@linaro.org
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 4:44 PM
To: Kaiyou Wang <Kaiyou.Wang@arm.com>
Cc: linaro-android@lists.linaro.org
Subject: Re: Perf build faild
it seem that external/linux-tools-perf project is not repo synced by default for aosp master,
you could add following lines in the manifest.xml, and run "repo sync external/linux-tools-perf" to repo sync it.
<project path="external/linux-tools-
perf" name="platform/external/linux- tools-perf" revision="refs/tags/android-6. 0.1_r55"/>
this version does not work with AOSP msater directly, you need to fix the compiling error or repo sync other projects as well.
Yongqin Liu
On 24 August 2017 at 15:29, Kaiyou Wang <Kaiyou.Wang@arm.com> wrote:
Hi Linaro android support,
I follow the instructions https://wiki.linaro.org/LMG/
Engineering/UsingPerfOnAndroid to build Perf for android
Make sure you've connected to your Android device.
Note: the below instructions requires an userdebug or eng build android system.
# setup your build environment first
# . build/envsetup.sh
# lunch
adb root
adb remount
m -j 32 perf
adb sync
But it failed when execute the command “m -j 32 perf”,
Error log:
~/code/Hikey/android$ m -j 32 perf
a-neon TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT=cortex-
a73 HOST_ARCH=x86_64
generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16. 04-xenial HOST_CROSS_OS=windows
============== [38/38] bootstrap out/soong/.minibootstrap/build
.ninja.in [4/4] out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/
minibp out/soong/.bootstrap/build. ninja [513/514] glob vendor/*/*/Android.bp
[49/49] out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/
soong_build out/soong/build.ninja out/build-hikey960.ninja is missing, regenerating...
[135/689] including ./device/linaro/hikey/Android.
mk ... gralloc for hikey960
[579/689] including ./system/sepolicy/Android.mk ...
130: warning: BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS not specified, assuming current platform version [689/689] including ./tools/tradefederation/core/
Android.mk ... platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/instrumentation_metric_ test_list.mk : warning: continuous_instrumentation_metric_tests: Unknown installed file for module perf-setup.sh platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/instrumentation_test_ list.mk : warning: continuous_instrumentation_tests: Unknown installed file for module FrameworksUtilsTests platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/instrumentation_test_ list.mk : warning: continuous_instrumentation_tests: Unknown installed file for module RecyclerViewTests platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/instrumentation_test_ list.mk : warning: continuous_instrumentation_tests: Unknown installed file for module SettingsFunctionalTests platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/instrumentation_test_ list.mk : warning: continuous_instrumentation_tests: Unknown installed file for module LauncherFunctionalTests platform_testing/build/tasks/
tests/native_metric_test_list. mk : warning: continuous_native_metric_tests: Unknown installed file for module perf-setup.sh [ 99% 903/904] glob system/tools/hidl/test/
Android.bp ninja: error: unknown target 'perf', did you mean 'art'?
15:10:14 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (01:20 (mm:ss)) ####
The AOSP code: repo init -u https://android.googlesource.
com/platform/manifest -b master
Could you give some help? thanks
Thanks & Best Regards
Kaiyou Wang
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Best Regards,
Yongqin Liu
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