Hi all,

I'm working with a custom OMAP4460 based platform running Android ICS.  Android for this platform is based on TI's 4AI.1.4 Release.  Release Notes available at http://omappedia.org/wiki/4AI.1.4_OMAP4_Icecream_Sandwich_Release_Notes.

I need to upgrade to Android KitKat on this platform.  I have chosen Linaro's Release 14.04 for Pandaboard to be ported to the custom platform.

We use a Wireless module with TI's WL1271 core.   The Wi-Fi driver provided by the Module vendor was based on NL80211 framework. 

WiFi with Linaro's KitKat port uses Wireless Extensions (WEXT) framework.  I understand that WEXT is an older implementation and NL80211 is more recent.  Is there a reason why WiFi on Linaro's KitKat port still uses WEXT framework?

Is there any Android KitKat source base that uses NL80211 for WiFi framework?  This will help me validate the WiFi functionality on my custom platform.

Thanks & Regards