We have been working on unifying all the manifests for easier maintenance of the code. The single manifest will support restricted builds and open builds. If you don't use the group feature it will try to sync all the repositories.

To use the repo groups support use the -g flag when you do repo init.
$ repo init -u ... -b ... -m tracking.xml -g "group1, group2,..."

There are currently 3 groups you need to be aware of:
1. common, all gits which are common
2. origen, all gits which are specific for origen
3. vexpress, all gits which are specific for vexpress
and so on ...

Getting the vexpress code (for instance):
$ repo init -u ... -b ... -m tracking.xml -g "common,<vexpress/pandaboard/galaxynexus/snowball..>"

On 16 April 2013 08:11, vipzrx <vipzrx@gmail.com> wrote:
what is the login-id ? how can i get one ?
when i $ repo sync , i got this message below :

>From http://android.git.linaro.org/git-ro/platform/system/media
* [new branch] tools_r22 -> aosp/tools_r22
The authenticity of host 'linaro-private.git.linaro.org (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 62:1e:b1:73:39:f3:9d:eb:81:87:b8:f8:f7:a8:79:97.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

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