      Calendar Week 40: Here is test result summary for Linaro Android platform on following boards:

1) ARM Versatile Express A9
2) ST-Ericsson Snowball Board
3) TI Panda Board 4430
4) TI Panda Board 4460
5)  Samsung Origen Board

Synopsis: This week, Linaro Image Tool 12.09 version was used to flash SD-card for testing. Installation instructions which were missing earlier are available now. For panda we are back to tracking-blob build testing and test results look similar to week 38. On origen people,email and calendar application is not working.  

Detail Report for all the boards:

1.  ARM Versatile Express A9 - Android (Column J)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadExQdHNxTnR5SFZCQzJnN1ZtQ2ZhWkE#gid=5

Installation instruction is available. Email, Calendar, glamrk2 don't work  and all other features remain same status as previous week.

2) ST-Ericsson Snowball Board - Android(Column J)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadEF1NXVhT3dQWnZsTHBydnpiWVB4Umc#gid=5

Install instruction are available. Same results as last week for other features.  

3) TI Panda Board 4430 - Android(Column AA)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadGVWd3pZazdaRUU0MnRnWmgwbVhTR0E#gid=17

On Panda board we are back to tracking-blob build and hardware graphics acceleration, glmark2, wifi, Bluetooth is not working. Rest of the results are similar to week 38 test results.  

4) TI Panda Board 4460(Column M)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadGVWd3pZazdaRUU0MnRnWmgwbVhTR0E#gid=18

 Test results same as 4430. 

5)  Samsung Origen Board(Column E)

Test Results: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkxwyUNxNaAadDRDVl9TSHUweUk3eG9ndk9sNGxUVnc#gid=5

All features remain the same status as previous week, except image installation instruction has been added to the build page. WiFi and Bluetooth are still unavailable and Ethernet Configuration Manager can't work properly either. Email app doesn't work, People app and Calendar app can't sync the content from Google server. Please refer to above test result link for more details.

Note - For the previous week (Calendar week 39) summary, please refer to attachment.

Amit khare <amit.khare@linaro.org>
QA Services - Linaro Platform