I Just installed the icskeyboard.apk in gingerbread and it works so fine !
I have compiled android gingerbread from the source code of Linaro 11.10 release for pandaboard.
The gingerbread OS is booting & up without any problem. But the on-screen keyboard
appears to be hidden below the screen boundary. It is partially visible with special symbols
like ? , " : ( etc.
Information that i have are :
1. The output is viewed at HDMI TV( resolution is 1440x900 ). Timing parameters are
106500, 1440/80/232/152, 900/3/25/6. Could not view output in DVI.
2. I tried to install another keyboard app. It installed successfully but has the same result as
original keyboard after changing the Input Method to new keyboard app.
3. The values at the Home->Applications->Dev tools-> Configurations for keyboard were
Can anyone please tell me what is the reason for this issue and how do i resolve it ?