Hi Paul,

Thanks for cleaning up the publishing.

On 7 January 2014 19:54, Paul Sokolovsky <paul.sokolovsky@linaro.org> wrote:

Ok, here are example of new publishings:


These don't allow browsing even file listing, because they have:
Files-Pattern: *
License-Type: protected
So, that's how to do it (Vishal asked exactly for that IIRC), but if
the builds above should show at least something and integrate with
android-build frontend, please open up some files there.

At the same time, public builds appear to be broken. I'm not sure i
fit's related to previously reported issues with gerrit merges, can you
please look into them? :
We are aware of the issue. The issue is wrt powetop with the recent change to use libnl-2.0. We were waiting for the fix to be merged into powertop tool in git.linaro.org which is maintained by PMWG. It has been done now and tomorrows build should complete successfully. The public build seems to be working as expected on this open build:

We are able to download all the files as expected.


On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 15:24:55 +0200
Paul Sokolovsky <Paul.Sokolovsky@linaro.org> wrote:

> > Based on previous discussion, some simplifications and
> > clarifications were done to Android publishing process:
> >
> > 1. When first (usually only) group of files is published, it must
> > include BUILD-INFO.txt which gives permissions for all files which
> > will be published as artifacts.
> >
> > 2. If there's 2nd group of files to publish (the only case we have
> > is to publish lava-job-info metadata file), it must NOT include
> > BUILD-INFO.txt, and ACLs for it must be set in the main
> > BUILD-INFO.txt file (step 1).
> >
> > 3. BUILD-INFO.txt is not rewritten or altered in nay way. Again, it
> > must include complete and final ACLs for all artifact files in a
> > build. linaro-license-protection app as running on
> > snapshots.linaro.org will use verbatim content of BUILD-INFO.txt as
> > provided by the build authors to control access to the files.
> Almost forgot:
> 4. Artifact flattening (copying out/target/product/* -> out/*) now
> happens on build's (i.e. Jenkins') side. That took whole one shell
> command. That's how further changes to artifact structure, etc. are
> expected to be done in the future - a build prepares artifacts in
> whatever shape it wants, and publishing just publishes them verbatim.
> >
> > Hope this clarifies access control setup greatly and resolves cases
> > where we couldn't control some access aspects of private builds.
> >
> >
> > Now, looking at "open" builds BUILD-INFO overlays,
> > (https://snapshots.linaro.org/android/binaries/open/) I see that
> >
> > https://snapshots.linaro.org/android/binaries/open/20131212/build-info.tar.bz2
> > has complicated file pattern comparing to previous incarnation,
> > https://snapshots.linaro.org/android/binaries/open/20131008/build-info.tar.bz2
> > which has just:
> > -------
> > Files-Pattern: *
> > License-Type: open
> > -------
> >
> > I'm not sure which prompted to prepare 20131212/build-info.tar.bz2 ,
> > but if it was done as a workaround to previous publishing problems,
> > I'd suggest to switch back to 20131008/build-info.tar.bz2 .
Thanks. We will revert to the older one. It was a workaround to the publishing problem. We tried to be explicit on what files were supposed to be open.
> >
> >
> > Please let us (me, Milo) know if spot any issues with ACL with new
> > publishing settings, or need help with ACLs for private builds.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
> >
> > Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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