On 27 January 2012 20:38, Vishal Bhoj <vishal.bhoj@linaro.org> wrote:

On 27 January 2012 19:53, Tony Mansson <tony.mansson@linaro.org> wrote:

Can anyone think of a workaround for deleting a built-in app in Android? 

All the apps in our builds get the status of "built-in" as opposed to "downloaded". This makes them impossible to uninstall.
If we want to debug one of our apps with DS-5 CE, we must allow it to be uploaded and installed by DS-5. That's how this tool works.
You can't install the same app twice and you can't delete a built-in app. So we need to remove the app to be debugged from the build which is inconvenient.

You may have to mount /system/app writeable (which I think is OK for a developer edition like Linaro Android, it could be a build option?) and muck around in the database yourself since neither adb uninstall or the Settings app is keen on removing a built-in app. Can it be done?

It can be fixed in 3 ways:

1. Fix the DS5 plugin to run upload it similar to reinstalling app: the way adb install -r XYZ.apk .

I vote for a fix like this. It is clean and require fewer hacks. We can install DS-5 application apk and invoke gator daemon and kernel module insertion just the way WiFiService does.
2. Before booting the image, Mount the system partition on host machine and  delete the APK from the system partition.
3. Boot the device and then run following commands:
#adb remount          (Mounts the system partition in rw mode)
#adb shell rm /system/app/XYZ.apk   (This would delete the apk and uninstalls the apk)
Then upload the apk with DS5 CE. It should work.

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