Linaro 12.11 Release (Calendar Week 48): Here is test result summary for Linaro ubuntu image on following boards:

1) ARM Versatile Express A9;
2) Open Embedded SDK;
3) Open Embedded LAMP;
4) Open Embedded Minimum.

Synopsis: Audio works on ARM Versatile Express A9 Jelly Bean; DS-5 Data Streaming Doesn't work on ARM Versatile Express A9 ubuntu but works well on Android platform; PHP test passed with issue on Open Embedded LAMP image.

1. ARM Versatile Express A9 + ubuntu (Column AK):

Latest version of DS-5 (v5.12 build 1571) doesn't work on data streaming, all the other features remain the same. Device Tree is still unavailable due to the defect in UEFI and 480p video playback doesn't work either. For HTML5 YouTube video, after streaming buffer finished, the performance is acceptable.

2. ARM Versatile Express A9 + Android Jelly Bean (Column Q):

Audio works, now the sound can be heard in Angry Birds and Music App. For latest DS-5 (v5.12 build 1571), data streaming works well. All other features remain the same.

3. Open Embedded SDK in Fast Model (Column C):

All test cases passed.

4. Open Embedded LAMP in Fast Model (Column C):

PHP test passed with issue - kernel exception messages observed. However, this issue won't affect the system and other functions. All rest tests passed.

5. Open Embedded Minimum in Fast Model (Column C):

All test cases passed.

For the previous week (Calendar week 46) summary, please refer to attachment.

Thank you.

Best Regards
Botao Sun