Forwarding to the list as I hit reply rather than reply all.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jamie Bennett <>
Date: 25 June 2010 11:15:32 GMT+01:00
To: JD Zheng <>
Subject: Re: [Linaro-dev] Contributing in development.

On 24 Jun 2010, at 17:47, JD Zheng <> wrote:

Guys join us @ #linaro on freenode irc for more interactive and useful hints.

Considering time difference and people has to work during the day, IRC isn't convenient. I'd like to see at least some summary in maillist. Anyway, this is just suggestion.

We are a very transparent initiative and it's easy to find an area in which you are interested. The wiki page at lists the work being concentrated on (blueprints) and what the goals of the next release, 10.11 are (technical requirements). Another page, details the various groups and their areas of interest. In fact the wiki is a great source of information. As mentioned before there is also irc, mailing lists and the website at (and many of the team also have personal blogs).  

After looking at the above, if you need more direction, the please just ask.

