Enclosed you'll find a link to the agenda, minutes, actions and IRC logs from the
Linaro kernel working group weekly meetings of  April 25, 2011.

== Summary ==

 * Introduce Deepak Saxena (AKA dsaxena1), who will be taking over the  Kernel WG lead starting on May 1st.
 * Cycle 11.11 planning - See https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1111/TechnicalTopics/Kernel for technical requirements description
   * K9 One UDS Session for Improve Linux Kernel RAS
   * K8 One UDS session for Improve Linux Kernel General Performance
   * K7 One UDS session for Improve Linux Storage performance
   * K6 One UDS session for monthly releases to be combined with validation discussion - Nico & Paul Larson
   * K5 One UDS session Standard Architecture and H/W support - Nico, Dave, Tixy
   * K4 Android - John
   * K3 boot architecture Grant already registered a session
   * K2 Grant is covering the sessions
   * K1 One UDS session for planning
   * K1.1 5 daily sessions for ARM / Linux  interface 1.5-3 hours each (as a mini-summit)
 * Paul to cover for John at UDS