Tony Mansson <mansson>

=== Highlights ===

Gearing up for PM tasks. Support by asac and Mounir.
Participated in 11.07 standup release meetings.
Installed a daily build on Beagleboard XM and fired it up.
Helped Zack with some PM tasks.
Established how to work with Mumble (Must leave the office).
Verifying build environment is ongoing.

=== Plans ===

Verify build environment by using the 11.06 release
Tackle the "Enable Launcher2 in Android Builds" BP

=== Issues ===

Manufacturing problems with Snowballs.
Pulled to help with Snowball verification & release of new firmware. The current 2.6.38 BSP Kernel git does not run.
*No* Android-on-Snowball resources available at ST-Ericsson for another three weeks.