Hi all,
As suggested in this wiki page (http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/Power_Management_Debug_and_Profiling#Tracing_of_clock_and_power_domains_events), I tried to use the pm_debug debugfs. However, I don't understand the bottom half of the output. If I type "cat /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/count", the bottom half of the output looks like this:
per_clkdm->per_pwrdm (11)
usbhost_clkdm->usbhost_pwrdm (0)
cam_clkdm->cam_pwrdm (0)
dss_clkdm->dss_pwrdm (0)
core_l4_clkdm->core_pwrdm (8)
core_l3_clkdm->core_pwrdm (4)
d2d_clkdm->core_pwrdm (0)
sgx_clkdm->sgx_pwrdm (0)
iva2_clkdm->iva2_pwrdm (0)
neon_clkdm->neon_pwrdm (0)
mpu_clkdm->mpu_pwrdm (0)
prm_clkdm->wkup_pwrdm (0)
cm_clkdm->core_pwrdm (0)
I tried to google what these mean, but found nothing. Please help! Thanks.
Chao Xu