Calendar Week 45: Here is test result summary for Linaro ubuntu image on following boards:
1) ARM Versatile Express A9;
2) Samsung Origen;
3) TI Panda Board 4430;
4) TI Panda Board 4460.
Synopsis: No change on feature status for vexpress A9 and Panda 4460. For Samsung Origen, Unity 3D and hardware acceleration need to be double checked next week; Audio works on Panda 4430.
1. vexpress A9 + ubuntu (Column AG):
Features' status is exactly same as previous week. Device Tree and video playback are still unavailable.
2. Origen + ubuntu (Column AB):
Unity 3D and hardware acceleration feature will be double checked in next week. WiFi, Bluetooth, HDMI and Video Playback are still unavailable.
3. Panda 4430 + ubuntu (Column AD):
Audio works. Dead lock error still exists in boot log, and the issues still exist in power management and Bluetooth. All other features remain the same status.
4. Panda 4460 + ubuntu (Column AC):
Exactly same status as previous test result. Audio input is unavailable and dead lock error exists in boot log, although no significant effect to system.
For the previous week (Calendar week 43) summary, please refer to attachment.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Botao Sun