Enclosed please find the link to the Meeting Minutes & Weekly Status report
for the Power Management working group for the week ending 2011-08-26.
== Meeting Minutes ==
== Weekly Status Report ==
== Summary ==
* Made hotplug power measurements on st-e u8500 platform
* mp3 playback test showed between 7 to 8% power improvement
* cpuhotplug - For Linux idle case, no visible improvement as power is already very low
* Finished GPIO support in power debug.
* linaro-pm-qa integration with LAVA went well, we should start seeing a daily test of power management suite
* Published git tree containing common Samsung save and restore code
* Preparing thermal framework for upstreaming and preparing slides for Plumbers conference
* Started to work on integration of thermal with OMAP4460 power management
* Re-writing cpuidle driver
* Started design work on struct clk, created some notes and design points for discussion at LPC
* Rebased PMWG kernel git tree to 3.1-rc4
Best regards,