On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi folks.

So there's been some justified uproar about me moving some stuff to
github without asking. I wanted to let you all know that we have a
Linaro organization on github (ping danilos to get your github account
included there). I've created the validation team there and allowed it
to push/pull to https://github.com/Linaro/lava-deployment-tool I also
have my own fork.

LAVA is hosted on launchpad. unless you can convince the whole team to move
everything to git, please don't do one man shows like this and put this to
bzr as well...

Thanks for applying common sense.

On the question whether we have everything on git.linaro.org or if github.com/linaro is ok
as well, we have not yet developed a strong feeling. Default is saying that it's odd
that we do that. But stay tuned.

Everybody: what are the benefits you see from github/Linaro versus using git.linaro.org?
Happy to collect points on this one.

Alexander Sack
Technical Director, Linaro Platform Teams
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