I'd like to thank everyone who attended the Linaro multimedia work group mini-summit last week, especially on such short notice. It was great to get to meet everyone face-to-face. I think we made excellent progress on the technical challenges for the MMWG team for the next cycle.

I have attached a consolidated and partially formatted log of the minutes and actions from the meeting.  I think they are fairly complete, please let me know if there is anything missed that needs to be mentioned. You can also access the individual logs from the event agenda: http://wiki.linaro.org/Events/2011-06-MMWG

We will be working the actions of this meeting and may be contacting you for assistance. The resulting plan will be initially reviewed at the public plan review: http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1111/PublicPlanReview

The next time we will meet to fully discuss MMWG work topics will be at the Linaro Developer Summit at Orlando, a part of the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Please join us if you can. More information on LDS/UDS is available here: http://uds.ubuntu.com/  I hope to see you there!


Kurt Taylor (irc krtaylor)
Linaro Multimedia Team Lead