On 12 April 2012 05:51, YongQin Liu <
yongqin.liu@linaro.org> wrote:
> Hi, All
> LAVA is an automated validation architecture, and it now has a test
> framework for running android test tools and parsing the test output.
> Please NOTE that lava-android-test is just used for running the test tools,
> parsing the test output, and formatting the test result.
> Here I will describe how to write and add a test wrapper script for
> lava-android-test, and how to integrate the test into LAVA.
> 1. checkout the lava-android-test to your local machine
> bzr branch lp:lava-android-test
> 2. if the test tools are just command that can be run on android system, and
> the output is well formatted,
> then congratulations, you can go directly to step 6.
> You don't need to wrapper script again.
> 3. If the test tools has already been build into the android image or in the
> host image(normal Ubuntu image),
> then you won't need to define some scripts for organizing the test
> tools, you can skip this step,
> Otherwise, put the actual test tools in some place, normally they are in
> a sub directory of test_definitions, like the busybox test:
> the actual test tool is busybox_test.sh, and it is put in
> the lava_android_test/test_definitions/busybox directory
> 4. add a test wrapper script for your test into the test_definitions
> directory. like busybox.py:
> The content of the wrapper script should be something like below:
> Normally, you just need to redefine the red and bold part in the
> above.
> ###############################################################################################
> import os
> import lava_android_test.testdef
> test_name = 'test_sample'
> #linux commands that will be run on the host before INSTALL_STEPS_ADB_PRE"
> #adb commands that will be run before install apk file into android
> #APK file path list that will be intalled into android
> APKS= []
> #adb commands that will be run before install apk file into android
> #linux commands that will be run on the host after INSTALL_STEPS_ADB_POST
> #linux commands that will be run on the host before RUN_STEPS_ADB_PRE
> #adb commands that will be run before install apk file into android
> #commands that will be run on android
> #adb commands that will be run before install apk file into android
> #linux commands that will be run on the host after RUN_STEPS_ADB_POST
> #pattern to parse the command output to generate the test result.
> PATTERN = "^\s*(?P<test_case_id>\w+)=(?P<result>\w+)\s*$"
> inst =
> lava_android_test.testdef.AndroidTestInstaller(steps_host_pre=INSTALL_STEPS_HOST_PRE,
> steps_adb_pre=INSTALL_STEPS_ADB_PRE,
> apks=APKS,
> steps_adb_post=INSTALL_STEPS_ADB_POST,
> steps_host_post=INSTALL_STEPS_HOST_POST)
> run =
> lava_android_test.testdef.AndroidTestRunner(steps_host_pre=RUN_STEPS_HOST_PRE,
> steps_adb_pre=RUN_STEPS_ADB_PRE,
> adbshell_steps=ADB_SHELL_STEPS,
> steps_adb_post=RUN_STEPS_ADB_POST,
> steps_host_post=RUN_STEPS_HOST_POST)
> parser = lava_android_test.testdef.AndroidTestParser(PATTERN)
> testobj = lava_android_test.testdef.AndroidTest(testname=test_name,
> installer=inst,
> runner=run,
> parser=parser)
> ###############################################################################################
> And in the command part, you can use
> "$(SERIAL)" to represent the device serial number, like:
> RUN_STEPS_HOST_POST = [ 'python
> %s/android-0xbenchmark/android_0xbenchmark_wait.py $(SERIAL)' % curdir]
> and
> "$(OPTIONS)" to represent the option string passed from command line. Like
> RUN_STEPS_HOST_PRE = [ 'echo $(OPTION)'],
> then you can run lava-android-test install -o "install options string"
> or lava-android-test run -O "run options string"
> Note:
> Because lava-android-test will be run on lava-lab, and there will
> be multiple devices connected simultaneously,
> So we should consider to pass the device serial number for each
> test tools.
> If the test tools is defined
> for steps_adb_pre/adbshell_steps/steps_adb_post,
> then there is no need to pass the device serial
> number, lava-android-test will do this for you.
> 5. you can
> use "lava-android-test list-tests" to check if the test wrapper created
> can be recognized,
> use "lava-android-test install ${test_name}" to install the test,
> use "lava-android-test run ${test_name}" to execute the test,
> use "lava-android-test show ${result_id}" to show the output
> the test executed,
> use "lava-android-test parse ${result_id}" to to generate the result
> bundle for the test executed.
> And here is a blog about install/test lava-android-test that you can
> reference:
> 6. When you have done the above steps and verified your test that works
> well, then you can integrate it in LAVA with the android-build.
> Here is a description about that.
> If you have any questions, please contact me.
> Also I have copied it to google docs,
> you can comment directly there.
> Thanks,
> Yongqin Liu
> ---------------------------------
> Mail:
> IRC Nickname: liuyq