  I'm glad that I'm not the only confused one.  Good description of the flow...

On 14 October 2010 08:23, Amit Kucheria <amit.kucheria@linaro.org> wrote:
On 10 Oct 14, Michael Hope wrote:
> Hi there.  I'm confused about how we nominate and schedule things for
> the upcoming summit.  I've got a bunch of tr-* TR blueprints and a
> related set of engineering blueprints.  Some of these blueprints are
> too big for one session and some need to be bundled up to fill up a
> session.  No matter what, summit blueprints need the
> other-linaro-n-foo naming convention to work.
> What should I do?  My best guess is create other-linaro-n-foo
> blueprints for scheduling's sake and add the TR and engineering
> blueprints as dependencies.

I've done something like that. The meta blueprints bring together everything
related to a theme - cpufreq, cpuidle, tools, etc.

I plan on having a double-session for each theme to cover all topics related
to the theme. Any left-over discussion will be scheduled at LDS itself.

> BTW, I've written up my understanding of the workflow at:
>  https://wiki.linaro.org/MichaelHope/Sandbox/SummitWorkflow

That is a useful view. I'll pass it on to my team.


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David A Rusling
CTO, Linaro