the url for jpeg test with skia bench


2012/1/9 Christian Robottom Reis <>
> - Wiki page for libjpeg-turbo integration in skia and skia_test usage
> for jpeg performance test was created

Ah -- a URL would be nice?

> - Created a parser for the test definition of Speex

Where is this and the libav Realvideo code going?

> Issues
> - Bug #893402 is impeding progress in end-to-end audio testing (only a
> prototype is available for desktop - pandaboard is not functional).

What's blocking this -- it's not clear from the bug? Let me know and I
can help get it unstuck.

> Risks
> -UCM for Android will be split to cover the different parts of the work
> - some of the work will be done till LCQ1.12 but the work will be
> completed after Connect

Tom, tell me more about this one today.
Christian Robottom Reis, Engineering VP
Brazil (GMT-3) | [+55] 16 9112 6430 | [+1] 612 216 4935 Open Source Software for ARM SoCs

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Benjamin Gaignard 

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