Hi Paul,

"GREP" is there, here is the result after I execute "
busybox ps | busybox grep bin":

# busybox ps | busybox grep bin                                                
 1042 root         0 SW<  [binder]                                             
 1093 root       332 S    /sbin/ueventd                                        
 1910 root       840 S    /system/bin/sh                                       
 1911 system     900 S    /system/bin/servicemanager                           
 1912 root      4076 S    /system/bin/vold                                     
 1913 root      4052 S    /system/bin/netd                                     
 1914 root       764 S    /system/bin/debuggerd                                
 1915 radio     4504 S    /system/bin/rild                                     
 1916 root     64348 S    zygote /bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygot 
 1917 media    18132 S    /system/bin/mediaserver                              
 1918 bluetoot  1384 S    /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork            
 1919 root       912 S    /system/bin/installd                                 
 1920 keystore  1956 S    /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore             
 1921 bluetoot   748 S    /system/bin/faketsd                                  
 1922 root      1388 S    /sbin/adbd                                           
 2212 root      1456 S    busybox grep bin     "

For the link, Yongqin and I have discussed about it, see below:

Hi Yongqin,

Looks good, but I'm thinking this work should be done by us or by our customers. As we know, our customers are not the ordinary end users, they are manufactures or developers.

For those ordinary end users, we need to provide a powerful and easy to use system; but for the manufactures and developers, we need to provide a different stuff - a stable framework and interface. This "link files" walk around looks like a "Hack" way rather than standard, and this "Hack" thing need to be done by developers (our customers) according to their requirement.

I will discuss this around, but if we decide to do this, we have to make something inside busybox and our build system to let things done during the build period, not manually or automatically generate them after flashed to the SD card.

Thank you!

Botao Sun

On Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:51 AM, yong qin wrote:
Hi, Botao 

You're right, if we use busybox as our default shell and command line tool, it will be better. But there may exist a standard for any Android system in my opinion. Currently, the third party components are playing an "optional" role, not default. I'm not sure change this status whether breaks some policies in AOSP or any other communities.
what about to do like this:
1. make a directory /system/busybox
2. create sub command link files in that directory
    # the busybox command itself can also be installed in /system/bin directory.
3. if we want to use the commands of busybox, then we can change the path in our shell like:
    export PATH="/data/busybox:${PATH}"
4. if we don't like use the commands of busybox, we can do as now.
this will not change the "optional" role i think.

Yongqin Liu
I will discuss this topic with some guys in future, but we still use Android's own "unfriendly" command line tools by default at present.

Thank you!

Botao Sun

On Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:25 AM, yong qin wrote:
Hi, botao

I have just use the attachment file to take a try with images of linaro-android-leb-panda build#252.
the busybox and some it's sub commands works well.

But in my opinion it's better to create link for each sub command at installation.
Then we just need to add the link files' parent path to the environment PATH, and can simply use the sub command.
Not as now should use the busybox command at the front.
Now if we want use the grep command, we need specify as "busybox grep" but not only  "grep".
Especially, when I write a shell including if sentence(as sentence in the attachment file), we need to write like this:
if /system/bin/busybox [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
It's a little not convenient I think.

Yongqin Liu

On 21 September 2011 17:40, Botao Sun <botao.sun@linaro.org> wrote:
Hi Yongqin,

Just test it can be run or not. Run some basic commands, such like busybox top, busybox vi, busybox ps | busybox grep XXX..., something like that.

I don't have test cases at my side. And this is the first time I integrated the entire busybox source code to our Android platform. I would like to be ensure it works on every board first.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org> wrote:
Foward to Botao as Yongqin replied to me only.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yong qin <yongqin.liu@linaro.org>
Date: 21 September 2011 12:29
Subject: Re: Hi guys, could you help me to test busybox on your board?
To: Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>

Hi, Botao
What test would you like to do?
Or do you have any test cases or test programs?
Yongqin Liu
On 21 September 2011 16:44, Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Botao Sun <botao.sun@linaro.org>
> Date: 21 September 2011 11:42
> Subject: Hi guys, could you help me to test busybox on your board?
> Hi,
> The busybox source code has been integrated to Linaro Android platform
> for all boards, so I'd like to ask help from you to test it. I have
> tested it on my Origen board, and it works well.
> Thank you!
> BR
> Botao Sun
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Fathi Boudra
Linaro Release Manager | Validation Project Manager
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs

On Thursday, September 22, 2011 01:07 PM, Paul Larson wrote:
Hi Botao, it's really late right now and I don't have time to look at it right now, but I played with it a bit on Panda recently and it seemed to mostly work.  However I had to run 'busybox [COMMAND]' to use it, links for running the commands directly under busybox did not seem to exist.  If this is still the case, that would be useful to fix.  Also, I noticed that grep was not enabled.  That's one of the things that would *really* be useful to have.  Any way we could get grep support enabled?

Paul Larson

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Botao Sun <botao.sun@linaro.org>
Date: 21 September 2011 11:42
Subject: Hi guys, could you help me to test busybox on your board?


The busybox source code has been integrated to Linaro Android platform
for all boards, so I'd like to ask help from you to test it. I have
tested it on my Origen board, and it works well.

Thank you!

Botao Sun

linaro-dev mailing list


Thank you.

Botao Sun