

I have downloaded and compiled/installed (on Ubuntu 12.04  the arm-probe from: https://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=tools/arm-probe.git;a=tree


Now I am facing some issues using the tool. My Arm Energy Probe shows up as virtual serial port as /dev/ttyACM0 and I am able to open that port via “

# sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0


and when I “ctrl-c” in screen I get a response from the energy probe saying “ARM Energy Probe”. So the probe should be working fine.


If I however run

# arm-probe –c ch1


All it just shows is the blelow, there are no data streamed out at all:


# configuration: ./config
# config_name: K70-SOM
# trigger: 0.400000V (hyst 0.200000V) 0.000000W (hyst 0.200000W) 400us
Configuration: K70-SOM
# date: Fri, 24 May 2013 15:45:57 +0200
# host: rb


This is the content of my configuration file:


# arm-probe configuration file
# setup name
 ch1 0.470 1 -0.000253 0 VCORE1/MPU
 ch2 0.470 2 -0.000253 0 VCORE1/MPU
 ch3 0.470 3 -0.000253 0 VCORE1/MPU


I have changed file permissions for /dev/ttyACM0, so that should be fine. Additionally when I run the above arm-probe command it doesn’t really care if the Arm Energy probe is connected or not – it doesn’t complain it the /dev/ttyACM0 is there or not.


Any help on that would be appreciated.




