There's documentation here:

And there's a video of the process here:

You'll need a real license for ds5, not just the community edition.  I was never able to work out my licensing issues (even though it said my license was valid) so I wasn't able to get this up and running, but I think if you can get past that, you should be able to do a capture with it just fine.

Paul Larson

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Hongbo Zhang <> wrote:
Hi all,
I want to set up the power probe only without any other streamline functions, can I make it?
It seems that the IP Address in the Capture Options window must be filled,
so the gator driver and daemon should be compiled then, but I have compiling error.

Can I set up power probe only?
If not, do we have proper gator without compiling error?


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