*** No libelf.h/libelf found, please install
libelf-dev/elfutils-libelf-devel and glibc-dev[el]. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
I have libelf.h file compiled for ARM, I tried replacing it in /usr/include and also in ../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/usr/include. However, I face the same error. (I am not exactly sure about where the compiler is looking for libelf.h)
I came across http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.kernel.general/11207, where they say that there are issues related to perf cross-compiling and are not yet solved (by Aug'12). Also http://www.omappedia.com/wiki/Ubuntu_kernel_build_alternatives#Cross-compilation states that " do_tools=false option is required with CodeSourcery 2010q1. It will prevent the generation of the tools binary package (including perf) that would fail with CodeSourcery 2010q1 toolchain (to be checked with Linaro or more recent CodeSourcery)." I am using CodeSourcery 2011.03-41.
Is anyone successful in cross-compiling perf tool. I also need to cross compile kernel next. So, any information would be of great help.
FYI, I will be using the linux kernle with ubuntu disk image in Gem5.
Thank you