I'd like to write a clear and smart Android.mk too.

I tried the following Android.mk,

systemtarball: $(CPUHOTPLUG) $(CPUIDLE) $(INCLUDE) $(SCHED_MC) $(SUSPEND) $(THERMAL) $(UTILS) $(wildcard cpufreq/*.sh)

All the modules except the cpufreq* will be build.

I think Android build system need the name been listed but not the expression. 

=====Android.mk =====
include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
#CPUFREQ := cpufreq_01.sh cpufreq_02.sh cpufreq_03.sh cpufreq_04.sh cpufreq_05.sh cpufreq_06.sh cpufreq_07.sh cpufreq_08.sh cpufreq_09.sh
CPUFREQ := $(wildcard cpufreq/*.sh)

CPUHOTPLUG := cpuhotplug_01.sh cpuhotplug_02.sh cpuhotplug_03.sh cpuhotplug_04.sh cpuhotplug_05.sh cpuhotplug_06.sh cpuhotplug_07.sh cpuhotplug_08.sh 1_sanity_check.sh z_sanity_check.sh

CPUIDLE := cpuidle_01.sh cpuidle_02.sh cpuidle_03.sh cpuidle_killer

INCLUDE := functions.sh suspend.sh thermal_functions.sh

SCHED_MC := sched_01.sh sched_02.sh sched_03.sh sched_04.sh

SUSPEND := suspend_01.sh suspend_02.sh suspend_03.sh suspend_04.sh suspend_05.sh suspend_06.sh

THERMAL := thermal_01.sh thermal_02.sh thermal_03.sh thermal_04.sh thermal_05.sh thermal_06.sh

UTILS := cpuburn cpucycle heat_cpu nanosleep

systemtarball: $(CPUHOTPLUG) $(CPUIDLE) $(INCLUDE) $(SCHED_MC) $(SUSPEND) $(THERMAL) $(UTILS) $(wildcard cpufreq/*.sh)

On 15 June 2012 15:37, Daniel Lezcano <daniel.lezcano@linaro.org> wrote:
On 06/15/2012 08:38 AM, Kejun Zhou wrote:
> The name of the scripts is the name of Android's target module too.
> Android build system needs the module dependencies being listed by the full
> name.

I understand but why it is not possible to do something like:

CPUIDLE=$(wildcard cpuidle/*.sh)


When a new test is added, you have to add the file to Android.mk.

It should be possible to write the rules in a way you don't have to edit
the Makefile each time, no ?

> On 15 June 2012 14:29, Daniel Lezcano <daniel.lezcano@linaro.org> wrote:
>> On 06/15/2012 05:22 AM, kejun.zhou wrote:
>>> From: "kejun.zhou" <dp583@stebjsxu0119.(none)>
>>> Signed-off-by: kejun.zhou <kejun.zhou@linaro.org>
>>> ---
>>>  Android.mk |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
>>> index 5053e7d..b296974 100644
>>> --- a/Android.mk
>>> +++ b/Android.mk
>>> @@ -1 +1,22 @@
>>>  include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
>>> +
>>> +include $(CLEAR_VARS)
>>> +CPUFREQ := cpufreq_01.sh cpufreq_02.sh cpufreq_03.sh cpufreq_04.sh
>> cpufreq_05.sh cpufreq_06.sh cpufreq_07.sh cpufreq_08.sh cpufreq_09.sh
>>> +
>>> +CPUHOTPLUG := cpuhotplug_01.sh cpuhotplug_02.sh cpuhotplug_03.sh
>> cpuhotplug_04.sh cpuhotplug_05.sh cpuhotplug_06.sh cpuhotplug_07.sh
>> cpuhotplug_08.sh 1_sanity_check.sh z_sanity_check.sh
>>> +
>>> +CPUIDLE := cpuidle_01.sh cpuidle_02.sh cpuidle_03.sh cpuidle_killer
>>> +
>>> +INCLUDE := functions.sh suspend.sh thermal_functions.sh
>>> +
>>> +SCHED_MC := sched_01.sh sched_02.sh sched_03.sh sched_04.sh
>>> +
>>> +SUSPEND := suspend_01.sh suspend_02.sh suspend_03.sh suspend_04.sh
>> suspend_05.sh suspend_06.sh
>>> +
>>> +THERMAL := thermal_01.sh thermal_02.sh thermal_03.sh thermal_04.sh
>> thermal_05.sh thermal_06.sh
>>> +
>>> +UTILS := cpuburn cpucycle heat_cpu nanosleep
>>> +
>>> +systemtarball: $(CPUFREQ) $(CPUHOTPLUG) $(CPUIDLE) $(INCLUDE)
>>> +
>>> +
>> Why hardcode the name of scripts ? Isn't possible to do this dynamically
>> like Test.mk ?
>> --
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