This time with the attachment :)

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Paul Larson <> wrote:
I started working on a results view in LAVA for the bootchart results since they are now part of the daily runs.  This is using a partial copy of the data I have locally, so please don't concern yourself too much with the actual data in it.  A couple of things to point out:

1. legend is not placed well, that's something I'm not yet sure how to fix as my javascript-fu is lacking here (zyga, any ideas on this?)
2. The set of results here is not very large.  That's adjustable and when it's using live data, should have a lot more data points to better see trends
3. This is purposefully restricted to a single board.  We are not running benchmarks in a controlled enough manner as to make comparison of boards to one another reasonable, nor is it encouraged due to the collaborative nature of Linaro.

In particular I'm looking for opinions on how it would be most useful to display this data.  This view shows all 4 image types on a single chart.  I did a previous version that had them separate.  Is there a preference? It would also be easy to do both on the same page, but perhaps a bit redundant.

Paul Larson