I've been looking a bit at how to get this running under DS-5, but I haven't found much documentation. Best thing I've found so far has been http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDStdtopy_g
I tried going through this, and even found caiman on my box at /usr/local/DS-5/bin/caiman
However, when I try to replicate what they did here, I get a trace ok, but no power data in my graph. You may want to give it a try though, maybe it will work for you.
hi there,
at HK connect i learned about the ARM energy probe (http://www.arm.com/about/newsroom/arm-enables-energy-aware-coding-with-the-arm-energy-probe-and-ds-5-toolchain.php). Since that we ordered some probes, and I was wondering if someone is working in linaro on enabling power measurements? I would be interested in DS5 or even command line tools to retrieve information, ideally from Panda...
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