On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Christian Robottom Reis <kiko@linaro.org> wrote:
By "OMAP DRM *without* the GEM" I assume you mean the current existing
DRM-supporting version, and not the patch that Rob is currently
discussing on dri-devel?

yes. in fact we plan to support 2 stacks:
1- OMAP DRM without GEM and with Syslink 2.0
2- OMAP DRM + GEM + Syslink 3.0

#2 represents quite a bit of changes in many components:
- GST (moving to 0.11 since all of what we need in core libs has been developed)
- TI GST plugins (gst-ducati)
- codecs library (libDCE) will need to be adapted to Syslink 3.0
- codec firrmware

we will be using #1 for sept/oct timeframe and start introducing the various pieces afterwards, and we will sync up the kernel changes with Andy's tree.