+Zach +Andy
Last I heard we were waiting on them to make the first batch and get them to us, but it had to be a decent sized run so it was going to be split with someone else. Zach or Andy may have more recent news though.

On Jul 24, 2012 2:54 PM, "Christian Robottom Reis" <kiko@linaro.org> wrote:
On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 09:40:46AM +0100, Dave Pigott wrote:
> > Shouldn't require a kernel change. Just a configuration with a really annoyingly low default. I am concerned with the explosion of the numbers  mmc partitions in android though...
> >
> >
> So am I. It means that, until the sd mux lands, we will have to have a
> special kernel build of the lava master images to support more
> partitions. We already ran out on imx53 and origen so we can't support
> the userdata partition.

What's the status of this fabled SD MUX thingamajig?
Christian Robottom Reis, Engineering VP
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