Dear all,
There's a question in the arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S as following,
* EL1 mode handlers.
kernel_entry 1
mrs x1, esr_el1 // read the syndrome register
lsr x24, x1, #ESR_EL1_EC_SHIFT // exception class
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_DABT_EL1 // data abort in EL1
b.eq el1_da
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SYS64 // configurable trap
b.eq el1_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SP_ALIGN // stack alignment exception
b.eq el1_sp_pc
* Stack or PC alignment exception handling
mrs x0, far_el1
- mov x1, x25 ==> this is an extra operation
mov x2, sp
b do_sp_pc_abort //Jump to C Exception handler
/**The C Exception Handler/
asmlinkage void __exception do_sp_pc_abort(unsigned long addr,
unsigned int esr,
struct pt_regs *regs)
We use x1 register to store the value of ESR, and check the value to identify which exception handler to jump,
And there's a weird part In stack alignment exception handler(el1_sp_pc),
Why do we need to move x25 to x1?
The ESR has been stored into x1, and should be directly pass to do_sp_pc_abort function
"MOV x1, x25" is an extra operation and do_sp_pc_abort would get the wrong value of esr...
I'm not sure whether I'm right or not, hope someone can take a look at it, thx