I read your post : http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/linaro-kernel/2014-March/012635.html
and I think that the problem is in file arch/arm/kernel/hibernate.c
You need to change in this mode:
/* Used in hibernate_asm.S */
#define USER_CONTEXT_SIZE (15 * sizeof(u32))
unsigned long saved_spsr_svc;
unsigned long saved_context_r14_svc;
unsigned long saved_context_r13_svc;
unsigned long saved_cpsr;
unsigned long saved_context_r0[USER_CONTEXT_SIZE];
static struct saved_context saved_context;
/* References to section boundaries */
extern const void __nosave_begin, __nosave_end;
the sequence is VERY IMPORTAN because in assemble file ( arch/arm/kernel/hibernate_asm.S)
load the R13 and R14 register in sequence.
* Restore SVC context
ldr r3, .Lsaved_context_r13_svc
ldmia r3, {r13-r14}
and the compiler don't work well.
If you change the arch/arm/kernel/hibernate.c the compiler work well.
Now I need one info:
The patch work?
Becasuse I have a problem when i come-back from hibernate e copy all page form .Lrestore_pblist variable (in module hibernate_asm.S)
I don't understand why the cpu stop to work.
Can you help me?
Fioretti Luigi
Skype: Dinema.Fioretti.Luigi
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