On Wed, 2011-09-07 at 16:36 -0500, Mounir Bsaibes wrote:So I'm not sure I'm following this new procedure.
> Release Management needs the list of the the blueprints that will be
> delivered this month.
> For each bp, they want a Headline and Acceptance criteria. The
> Headline is a statement to include in the Monthly release
> announcement. The acceptance criteria is a statement how to verify the
> work is done.
> I have collected this month's blueprints in the spreadsheet, please
> review it for accuracy. If a blueprint you are working on is missing,
> please add it.
> The Headline and Acceptance can be added into the whiteboard as
> follows:
> Headline:
> headline text
> Acceptance:
> acceptance text
> Once you add the the headline and acceptance, please modify the
> spreadsheet to reflect that it is done.
> https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoZqvK7R1biJdGxSclJhVXhlS2M3a1V0MVdaQzRwWkE&hl=en_US
So for existing blueprints, you want a headline/acceptance line for each
month's release?
So you're looking for something like:
Work items for 11.09:
Released updated linaro-android kernel for 11.09 and researched earlysuspend requirements for omap3
When Linaro-Android 11.09 kernel is available.
[jstultz] Research whats needed for enabling EARLYSUSPEND on omap3: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 initial 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 freeze 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 final 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
Work items for 11.10:
Is that right?
Further questions:
o How do we describe work done in a month that might arrive in a
following month? It seems confusing as the acceptance criteria might be
for work from a previous month. Or you might not match the acceptance
criteria within the month (ie: when items slip out to the next month).
o What is the acceptance criteria actually used for? I get headline will
be sent out with the release announcement, but its unclear who vets that
the acceptance criteria is met, and what that means for the release.