On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:13 PM, john stultz <johnstul@us.ibm.com> wrote:
On Wed, 2011-09-07 at 16:36 -0500, Mounir Bsaibes wrote:
> Release Management needs the list of the the blueprints that will be
> delivered this month.
> For each bp, they want a Headline and Acceptance criteria. The
> Headline is a statement  to include in the Monthly release
> announcement. The acceptance criteria is a statement how to verify the
> work is done.
> I have collected this month's blueprints in the spreadsheet, please
> review it for accuracy. If a blueprint you are working on is missing,
> please add it.
> The Headline and Acceptance can be added into the whiteboard as
> follows:
> Headline:
> headline text
> Acceptance:
> acceptance text
> Once you add the the headline and acceptance, please modify the
> spreadsheet to reflect that it is done.
> https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoZqvK7R1biJdGxSclJhVXhlS2M3a1V0MVdaQzRwWkE&hl=en_US

So I'm not sure I'm following this new procedure.

So for existing blueprints, you want a headline/acceptance line for each
month's release?

So you're looking for something like:
Work items for 11.09:
Released updated linaro-android kernel for 11.09 and researched earlysuspend requirements for omap3
When Linaro-Android 11.09 kernel is available.
[jstultz] Research whats needed for enabling EARLYSUSPEND on omap3: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 initial 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 freeze 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 final 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO

Work items for 11.10:

Is that right?

Except the parser can handle one Acceptance and One Headline per Whiteboard, only. So for the bp's that have multiple WI's blocks  the Headline and the Acceptance would change each month.  ( I know, the parser should be modified)
This is not an issue going forward, if we have a bp for each monthly deliverable.

So we have to do the following:

Released updated linaro-android kernel for 11.09 and researched earlysuspend requirements for omap3
When Linaro-Android 11.09 kernel is available.

Work items for 11.09:
[jstultz] Research whats needed for enabling EARLYSUSPEND on omap3: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 initial 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 freeze 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.09 final 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO

Work items for 11.10:
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.10freeze 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
[jstultz] Generate & release 11.10 final 3.0 linaro-android merge tree: TODO
Further questions:
o How do we describe work done in a month that might arrive in a
following month? It seems confusing as the acceptance criteria might be
for work from a previous month. Or you might not match the acceptance
criteria within the month (ie: when items slip out to the next month).

We can say
Headline: N/A work will be delivered next month
Acceptance: N/A

o What is the acceptance criteria actually used for? I get headline will
be sent out with the release announcement, but its unclear who vets that
the acceptance criteria is met, and what that means for the release.
The acceptance criteria is to verify that the deliverable actually made it into the component released and function correctly. It should be a simple check/verification, not a major test.
Release Management can use this acceptance criteria to check things out and verify that the release actually has what is being announced.



Mounir Bsaibes
Project Manager

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